En Khairul Falah Bin Zaharin
Dr. Wan Nur Baitty 

Tadika Aman Ceria,has been a fantastic experience for daughter Dhia. We love that TAC instil s holistic teaching approach emphasizing not only academic development but also social and emotional development.

We believe that instilling a whole teaching approach in early childhood approach is the key to nurturing young minds for a bright future. Indeed, I am happy to see Dhia's tremendous growth in academic, social skills, self-control, self-confidence and manners.

Thank you to all TAC teachers who are very supportive and dedicated. Thank you for showering Dhia with so much love and care. Thank you for making Dhia's preschool experience an incredible one. We are so sad to see it end, yet we know that TAC has equipped our daughter very well for the next milestone. Thank you TAC for all you do. We'll definitely come back in 2025 with Dhia's little sister.


36th Anniversary Concert & Graduation
Aman Ceria Kindergarten
12 October 2019

My name is Azlin and I am the proud mom of Sharifah Najma Amaniya, or Niya. As parents, we do put a lot of time, energy and effort into preparing our children for the future. And rightly so, we want them to be equipped with not only the best education but with life-long skills to prepare them for adulthood. For me, Aman Ceria or Tadika Seri Melawati back then, has provided me with all the necessary set of skills, to become who I am today.

Before I end, I would like to thank Mrs. Law and teachers at Aman Ceria for their everlasting passion in educating. Please don't stop teaching because I will want my grandchildren to become alumnus of Aman Ceria also. Again, I am deeply honoured to be here today and present the 36th graduation certificates.

Thank you and Assalamualaikum


Our choice ended up sending all our children to TAC.

11 years. our first child joined tadika aman ceria (TAC) in 2011 and fast forward 2021, our benjamin 4th will be graduating from here soon. Deciding which preschool would be best for our children was not easy. We did iterative research, debates and discussions everytime we were about to enroll our child. How far was it from home? Would it prepare them strongly for the future? could they become competitive and above average? Should we go for the most popular establishment?

Our choice ended up sending all our children to TAC. It was not coincidental that my kid brother and my wife's kid sister went to the same preschool 30 years ago. Back then, preschool franchises weren't as big and commercialized as today. These independent boutique preschools provided the foundational platform that launched the generation of sophisticated society we are today.


TAC was one of those pioneering private kindergartens which has persevered through economic cycles. Despite the challenging circumstances, TAC has never deviated from its values and propositions which enabled (1) young children to learn as children (2) harmoniously among the mix of children that represents the multi-ethnic Malaysia fabric. Arguably this positioning sounds counter intuitive from mainstream modern franchise propositions that tackle markets by acute customer segments, be it in the form of disciplined pre-formatted teachings or emphasis on specific ethnic or beliefs. We decided that our children need to experience multicultural tolerance from young, and before they enter the vortex of the Malaysian schooling system, we want them to enjoy natural learning at their own pace and have fun at poking new knowledge.


TAC kept its values intact yet they have indeed evolved in their teaching content which ensured a balanced approach to developing multiple aspects of intelligence areas. TAC may lack the strong marketing voice that other institutions have, but once you get to know them, you'll appreciate their sincerity above profit driven motivation in preparing children in their future life.


COVID has hit businesses hard and TAC again is showing resilience adapting to technology and smart teaching techniques to make sure children's learning are not impacted. Our benjamin surprisingly picked up reading fast despite the restrictions of face-to-face interaction. And looking at her siblings, we acknowledge there is little correlation between choosing specialized preschool and how they would perform later in mainstream schools. Our children are doing well today balancing mainstream and islamic schooling and most importantly, they understand, respect and appreciate living in a complex multi-ethnic society in Malaysia. We hope they will play a role in progressing our young nation to the next level. I'm writing this piece on 31st August 2021 by the way.


Boutique preschools like TAC have been part of our historical nation building. I hope my writing can help in some way promote the attention they need to continue their cause. If you happen to look for a preschool in Ulu Klang / Gombak / Ampang, please check out TAC. Behind their modest website and facebook page, TAC is foremost a preschool designed to care for children and friendly to families from all walks of life.


Ir Amir - senior digital techie in telecoms and banking.
Yusniza - former accountant


 Letter of Appreciation to Tadika Aman Ceria

I have known Tadika Aman Ceria for quite some time now. My eldest and second sons attended the kindergarten in 1986 and have since followed by their sister and brothers, all together 7 of them. My seventh child Hadi, is now four years old and his brother Aleem is six this year.

At first, I thought all kindergartens are the same. You send the kids to school, relief your wife's burden for a few hours, then pick them up from school expecting they learn the usual things parents expect or talk about. But, to my surprise, they come home saying and doing new and intelligent things, exhibiting various communication and art skills, showing mental development, expressing new experiences at school and many more. I have discovered that my children are able to read and count and capable of doing many creative things by themselves.

Tadika Aman Ceria's teachers give the best attention to the children. The exposure and the education contents that this teaching establishment provides is absolutely brilliant. The school, teachers and friends become part of our children's life, regardless of age, race or religion. To be able to live in harmony at this very young age is something the adults anywhere in the world is still struggling to do so.

I believe that my wife and I have made a very wise decision and we are very fortunate to have our children being taught by such dedicated and loving teachers. Our minds are at peace knowing that our children are in very good hands
Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tadika Aman Ceria, the principal Mrs. Law, and the teachers for contributing to a positive and healthy growth and development of my children's life.

Thank you and God bless you.

Hj. Mohd. Borhanuddin Bin Dato' Hz. Abdul Kadir


Tadika Aman Ceria menjadi pilihan kerana menyediakan prasarana yang sesuai untuk Perkembangan kanak-kanak. Selain daripada penekanan kurikulumnya yang menyeluruh, merangkumi pengajian agama/moral, matematik, sains, Bahasa Malaysia, Inggeris dan Mandarin,ia juga memberi eluang anak –kanak menceburi bidang sukan, muzik dan seni serta kraf. Potensi diri dan bakat kanak-kanak dikenalpasti dan diperkembangkan.

 Selepas setengah tahun mengikuti kelas tadika dan 'day care' sepenuh masa di TAC, kini anak saya lebih berdikari dan lebih yakin berkomunikasi dengan rakan sebayanya. Keunikan TAC yang mempunyai pelajar dari pelbagai agama dan bangsa memberikan anak saya pengalaman keharmonian dan semangat 1Malaysia. Jutaan tahniah untuk para pendidik TAC yang penyayang dan berdedikasi!"

Catatan: Pn. Husniza Hussain,

Ibu Mohammad Hafeezudin (6 tahun)


Nur Qyira Izzati,

My name is Nur Qyira Izzati, I live in Miri, Sarawak . I was a student during the year 2000. Before Tadika Aman Ceria, I went to a few kindergartens, but Aman Ceria was still the best. The teachers especially Mrs. Law and teacher Helena are very committed and kind.
It was hard to adapt at first, but the teachers helped me to make friends and not to feel lonely. We always celebrate special occasions, Mrs. Law would organized parties to celebrate different festivals and all the children would celebrate together.
I treasure those wonderful moments there. Although I am now residing in Miri, Sarawak, I still want to pay a visit to Tadika Aman Ceria if I happen to be nearby. That is the magic of Tadika Aman Ceria.




Totally fun classes
All happiness in Tadika Aman Ceria
Dedicated teachers
I love this place
Key to success in life
Aman Ceria , Aman Ceria, Aman Ceria! Three cheers for them


An amazing kindergarten
Marvelous teachers and principal
Awesome surroundings
Nice and lovely memories!


Children have fun here
Excellent in everything, inviting food!
Realy I'm serious about this!
Interesting holiday camps
Aman Ceria forever!


I will never, ever forget all of you in Tadika Aman Ceria!
Call me if you need me
I love all of YOU!




I like Tadika Aman Ceria. It's amazing school. Since the first day I went there, it was the best school I ever had. Mrs. Law is the kindest teacher I ever had and teacher Helena is the nicest, kindest and the prettiest teacher you could imagine. I love Tadika Aman Ceria. But I am not there anymore, I live in Miri, Sarawak. I wish I can visit you whenever I come to KL.




My daughter enjoys going to school.

We are happy as she has learned so much at Aman Ceria.

 "I sent my daughter, Sophea Azlyle Ariff 3 years old, to Aman Ceria after my daughter was beginning to dislike the previous nursery. We chose to try out Aman Ceria as my youngest sister, now age 17, was a student there. My daughter now enjoys going to school. She surprises us each week with new things she learned, like ballet & the handiworks she brings home."

 Thank you Aman Ceria! Dr Norfazlin Zamani


Lai Tack Jin

 兩年前, 我們想兩歲的女兒可以和她年齡相仿的孩子遊戲, 於是便送她到家附近這幼兒園的托兒所 (Tadika Aman Ceria Playschool) 玩。當時我女兒依然是一個大嬰兒,很害羞膽怯, 講話口齒也不伶俐。如今我們已搬到 Kemensah Heights 了, 我們依舊送女兒到這幼兒園。這是因為女兒在這裡長大, 學會了好多東西; 她懂得在團體生活中與人互動溝通,記得住她全部朋友的名字, 也發展了握筆書寫和語言能力。如今她是個有自信有主見, 愛探索, 愛唱歌跳舞, 愛講話的小女孩。 在語言方面,只會講英語的她在托兒所也學會了華語和馬來語, 還有幾句我聽不懂的印度語。真的很感激校長和老師們所給予的栽培, 我要借此向你們說聲謝謝。

Aman Ceria 是一所能让孩子得到身心成长的幼儿园。



Wonderful Learning Environment

TAC teachers are experienced and dedicated to fostering a learning environment that is fun through creative activities such as hands-on cooking, art projects, dramatic performances, holiday camps and many more.  As a child's thirst for knowledge is extremely active at that age and sets the stage for future educational achievement. And if you want your child/children to be in a friendly, warm and loving environment both physically and academically then Tadika Aman Ceria is exactly what you are seeking for.

Both our sons had great experience there and to this day they are very comfortable with the teachers and also Mrs. Law for the love and compassion they receive.  And now we are so impressed with the progress shown by our little girl since attending TAC. She has really flourished and loves her school so much. She is always eagerly looking forward to attend school every morning. We are ever so grateful for Tadika Aman Ceria, as this is where all my children excelled in their early education.

Mr and Mrs Malkeet S Mehal 

Thank you.


Aman Ceria provides solid foundation in pre-school education

The teachers are dedicated to teaching and care for the children.

 Tadika Aman Ceria has been an incredible experience for our child, Sabrina. The standard of academic excellence and the emphasis on moral and character development has far exceeded our expectations. Sabrina. loves going to school, and she is dedicated to learning. We are happy, knowing that she is safe, respected and cared for.

 Puan Rasyida


Tadika Aman Ceria is an ideal kindergarten for my child
The kindergarten emphasis on moral values and attitudes.

My child, Daniel understands what is right and what is wrong. I believe it is important in nowadays society, for many kindergartens have been too result oriented and neglected what is the most essential thing in human development.

Daniel loves to go to school because he is always encourage to learn and try new things.  I can see his improvement in attention span, in self-control, in interest towards study, in learning new vocabulary, in creativity and most importantly in understanding of values and attitudes. Thank you teachers for your patience and love.

 Theresa Yap ( Ex-Art Lecturer Of UTAR and KBU)


Thumbs up the teachers and Principal Mrs. Law.  We kept wondering how do Tadika Aman Ceria manage to handle so many little children with discipline yet lots of fun.

Our daughter, Soraya, participated in Aman Ceria's concert for the first time when she was 4 years old. We were awed by the whole event. We kept wondering how do Tadika Aman Ceria manage to handle so many little children with discipline yet lots of fun.
In 2010, we attended another concert by TAC. we were awed again by the whole event. It was fun, interesting, colorful, meaningful and full of surprises and laughter for all of us.  Thumbs up to all the children at Aman Ceria's Concert. We look forward for next year's event.


En Mohamad Fathullah and Mumtazah 


 Why I Choose Tadika Aman Ceria?

My nieces, nephew, Amanda my youngest, level of confidence, enthusiasm and happiness is extraordinary. The children are able to learn how to read, write and count.

I can see the outcome in my youngest sister (ex-student) is now 30 years old. My nieces, nephew and my 3rd child all former students of TAC are in their primaries.  Amanda my youngest is now a final year student at Tadika Aman Ceria.

I have sent Amanda to 2 other different Kindergartens. It ended up either me or my husband had to accompany her to school every morning until the end of the year. She will be crying and refuse to go on her own with the driver.  This year, I sent her on the first day of school to Tadika Aman Ceria and she is on her own since. Lastly, I have no regret sending Amanda all the way from Gombak to Tadika Aman Ceria.

 Dr. Shuhairah and Husband



Aman Ceria's teachers give the best attention to all my children

We are very fortunate to have our children taught by such dedicated and loving teachers

Our eldest and second sons attended the kindergarten in 1996 and have since followed by their sister and brothers, all 7 of them. The exposure and the education contents that TAC provides is absolutely brilliant.  The school, teachers and friends become part of our children's life, regardless of age, race or religion. To be able to live in harmony at this very young age is something the adults anywhere in the world is still struggling to do so.

Our minds are at peace knowing that our children are in very good hands.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank Tadika Aman Ceria, all the teachers, the parents and children for contributing to the positive and healthy growth and development of my children's life. Thank you and God bless you.

 Hj Mohd Borhanuddin B. Dato Hj Abdul Kadir
Hjh Ariza Binti Mohd Razali





Mr & Mrs Poh Chong Joo



Pengalaman Yang Berharga: Sembilan tahun bersama Tadika Aman Ceria merupakan satu pengalaman yang amat berharga bagi saya. Saya melihat anak-anak saya belajar dalam persikitaran yang selamat dan kondusif untuk pembelajaran serta tumbesaran mereka.

 Guru-guru yang berpengalaman dan penuh dedikasi serta cara pembelajaran yang sistematik banyak membantu anak-anak saya menerap pelajaran serta merangsang perkembangan social mereka. Asas yang kukuh seperti ini, telah menyediakan anak-anak saya untuk menghadapi alam persekolan dengan penuh keyakinan dan keceriaan.

 Raja Sharifah Maznunah


''喜乐幼儿园 ''TADIKA AMAN CERIA 从一个很偶然的机会,认识了这家幼儿园把我的大女儿 ( NATALIE ) ,报名交给了这一家幼儿园。从陌生到了解 ''喜乐幼儿园'' 的运作及对孩子们教导的知识与方式,当中存在的一些担心和不信任都渐渐地抛开了。 久而久之,觉得 '' 喜乐幼儿园 '' 待小孩们是真心对待与付出。在信心倍增后,我决定把小儿子 ( MARCUS LUM )交给 ''喜乐 '' 。''喜乐幼儿园 '' 不但教导孩子们所有语言 ( 如英语、国语、华语、数学等 ) ,也时常安排一些课外活动 ( 如常年运动会、文娱晚会、外出参观等 ) 来增广孩子们的见识与健康。这一切活动都对孩子们身心有益,得益不浅。在此, 我希望 '' 喜乐幼儿园 '' 能提供更好的服务,让家长们及孩子们都欢喜,快乐。





Aman Ceria's concrete foundation in education that my children received has been truly rewarding.

My three children have thoroughly enjoyed and learned a lot from their teacher. 
The teaching skills that were taught have left a deep impact on my children and have assisted them throughout their school years.  My three children have thoroughly enjoyed and learned a lot from the teachers. My eldest is now in university and the other children are in primary schools. 

We take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Law and all the teachers for their timeless effort, patience and guidance spent on my children.

All The Best

 Puan Saadah Fazilah Salle 


Tadika Aman Ceria builds strong foundation.

I appreciate very much the effort that Mrs. Law and her teachers put in to treat each child individually according to his / her needs. 
My daughter Isabel attended Tadika Aman Ceria from nursery until she finished kindergarten. She enjoyed her time at the school very much. She learnt the violin and piano from the school.  Isabel studied three years in this school. She changed from being a very timid child to one who is more outgoing and confident. Thank you!

 Dr Hon 



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